PROMO: MEDITERRANEA AND CA' VERDE PRODUCTS WITH 10% DISCOUNT! BIO YOGURT whole milk 500 ml - min. order quantity 8 pcs Ca Verde Our whole milk yogurt is perfect if eaten for your breakfast or snack! View
PROMO: MEDITERRANEA AND CA' VERDE PRODUCTS WITH 10% DISCOUNT! SCAMORZA NAT. DI MUCCA 250 G (natural cow milk scamorza) - price per kilo Ca Verde F2SM Our natural cow milk scamorza has an edible peel and a pear shape of 270 g. This cheese can be used to prepare your sandwiches, toasts, burgers, salads and much more! View
Organic Vegan Tofu MEDITERRANEA NATURAL GLUTEN FREE TOFU 200 G BIO - min. order quantity 6 pcs Mediterranea SG 02 IN THE PAN : remove the packaging film, cook for 6 minutes over a medium heat with a drizzle of oil, turning halfway through. IN THE OVEN : Remove the packaging film, bake for 10 minutes at 180°C in a preheated oven. View